Monday, August 11, 2008

Smoke Free Day 1

Today is the first day of my attempt at a 30 day trial smoke-free. I decided to do this after reading a few different articles on 30 day trials written by one of my favorite bloggers Steve Pavlina. For me, being smoke free is as much about my health as it is on saving money. And since I’ve been smoking since I was an adolescent (actually a little younger), it should prove to be a little difficult.

For those of you who have never smoked or smoke very little but have not attempted to kick the habit, this would not seem to be hard. However, for those who know the difficulty involved, this can provide you an intimate account of one person’s struggle which can either result in victory or defeat. I can say that it may not be as difficult as I anticipate because I only smoke between 3-4 cigarettes/day and usually only during work time, as I do not really smoke at home or during the weekends.

This is something that I have tried before and it proved to be a little more difficult than I anticipated, so I ended up resuming the vile habit of smoking. But since my health is very much important to me, and I have been told by my doctor that I should quit – this will be an effort worth review as I am going to do this “cold turkey”. Also, I will not be using any nicotine type meds like patches or gum.

Hope for the best and let's see where this one goes.


Anonymous said...

Feel good......

Bon said...

Keep going, it'll be worth it.

Anonymous said...

Stay calm and collected. You will make it, with determination.